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    Key words: Tannic acid, gallic acid, benzoic acid, hesperidin, chlorogenic acid, resveratrol
    Gallnut products
    Home > Products > Gallnut products
    Beer brewing tannins (saccharification type)

    Beer brewing tannins (saccharification type)

    Saccharified edible tannins

    CAS NO:  1401-55-4

    It is a high-purity tannic acid extracted from Gallnut by pure physical method.

    It is suitable for the saccharification or boiling process of beer brewing,

    It can selectively adsorb high molecular weight protein in wort, reduce aldehydes in beer,

    Enhance the antioxidant capacity of beer. Improve beer non-biological stability and flavor stability.

    Main component characteristics:


    Light yellow granular powder 


    (G/100g dry basis content)>95%     

    Gallic acid:

    Less than 0.4%     

    Heavy metals:

    Less than 15ppm  

    Loss on drying:

    Less than 10%



    PH (1:10 alcohol solution):


    Dissolved in water:

    Clear and transparent, no precipitation impurities   

    Gum experiment:


    Dextrin experiment:



    Need to use deoxygenated brewing water or distilled water to prepare a 5-10% tannin solution before use.

    Adding in saccharification: add the diluted tannin solution to the saccharification water before adding the malt powder.

    Recommended dosage: 40-80ppm

    Add in the boiling pot: 5-10 minutes before the end of boiling: or add in the wort transfer wort clarifier pipeline.

    Recommended dosage: 30-60 ppm.

    Preparation method:

    Use a stainless steel container or a plastic container, pour deoxygenated water or distilled water at room temperature, and stir quickly. When a vortex is formed, slowly pour the tannin for saccharification into the container, and stir while pouring to make it completely dissolved to 20- 25% solution. Before use, dilute to 5-10% solution. Try to avoid contact with oxygen. Avoid using iron, aluminum and other containers and utensils

    Main Products:Industrial Tannic Acid  Gallic acid  Propyl gallate  Pyrogallic acid  3,4,5-Trimethoxybenzoic acid  Methyl 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoat  
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